SAC Receives U.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award

April 3, 2024

Office of Marketing & Strategic Communications

Each semester, 圣安东尼奥学院的教育专业学生可以在当地公立学校的教室里获得第一手的教学经验. Now those efforts have led to national recognition.

SAC是全国69个获得美国政府资助的组织之一.S. President’s Volunteer Service Award, 哪些组织为志愿者服务贡献了大量的时间.

Two other Alamo Colleges, Northwest Vista and Northeast Lakeview, also made the list, along with a number of iconic companies,  including Amazon, The Home Depot, Toyota, USAA, and Walmart.

该奖项是由该教育项目与Junior Achievement合作颁发的. SAC获得了铜奖,提供了超过1,在2022-23学年期间,通过非营利组织的JA一天计划在社区提供500小时的志愿服务.

Pres Vol Service Award 2.jpgJA为SAC学生提供课程计划和材料,在两个不同的年级分别讲授两天的课程,并将学生安排在教室里, usually within economically disadvantaged schools.

该项目帮助社区和SAC教育学生. Kim Hochmeister, 教师教育项目协调员兼英语教授, humanities and education.

当地学校的学生受益于与年级相适应的经济概念课程, money, work, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. 


“They experience the culture of two schools, they experience the students in different grade levels, 他们真正了解适合他们发展的材料,” Hochmeister said.

所有参加EDUC 1301和EDUC 2301课程的澳门新葡京博彩学生都要参加一天的JA,作为现场服务实习要求的一部分. 当他们完成所需的教育课程以获得他们的副学士学位时, 通过该项目,他们将在实际教室中完成32小时的工作.

Pres Vol Service Award 1 web.jpg课堂时间帮助SAC学生Cassie Rosa意识到她致力于将教学作为她未来的职业.

“This has confirmed that this is what I was born to do. My heart is in teaching,” Rosa said. “我能够从一个全新的角度来看待课堂,而不仅仅是阅读.”

SAC学生Brando Serrato也获得了教学策略和技巧的新理解,因为他带领学生通过管理虚拟业务和虚拟投资等活动.

“教JA项目改变了我对教育的看法,”Serrato说. “这让我明白了讲授金融教育的价值, 互动学习的有效性和每个学生不同的学习方式.”


“Our AAT students, education faculty members Dr. Goldsberry, Professor Lauer and I, along with JA officer Felicia Breaux, collaborated to introduce future teachers, our SAC students, to the San Antonio public schools community,” she said. “一直以来,我们得到了院长Jonathan Lee和主席Erik Hillskemper的持续支持.”

SAC的学生是全国众多志愿者中的一员,他们为从幼儿园到高中的学生提供初级成就项目. JA项目将工作准备、创业和金融知识教育带到超过4个国家.4 million students in the United States each year, 其目标是为年轻人提供获得经济成功所需的知识和技能, plan for their futures, and make smart academic and economic choices.


Upper right:
Lower left: SAC students pose for a photo at Bob Hope Elementary. Left to right - Daniela Dempsey, Paige Riley, Erin Child, Joshua McCaskill, Briana Marquez, Mickayla Soto, Sara Bukuru, Lauren Snider, and Aylene Rainey.