澳门新葡京博彩区 Lowers Tuition for 学生 Beyond Bexar县



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New Tuition Rate Ensures Greater Affordability and Access 

During a board meeting on Tuesday, 3月26日, 2024, the 澳门新葡京博彩区 校董会 approved lowered tuition rates to ensure greater affordability and access for students outside of Bexar县. 

The lowered tuition rates – that will take effect in Fall 2024 – include a 20% drop in tuition rates for students residing in Atascosa, 杰, 烤盘, 瓜达卢佩, 肯德尔, 克尔, 威尔逊县. This change translates to a decrease from $225 per credit hour to $180. 另外, international students and students who have lived in Texas for less than 12 months will see a 31% reduction, bringing their tuition down from $476 to $327 per credit hour.

“These tuition changes reflect our dedication to supporting our students and growing community needs,”医生说。. Mike Flores, 澳门新葡京博彩区 Chancellor. “As our service region grows, we remain committed to our moonshot of partnering to end poverty through education and training by providing quality education that empowers individuals and strengthens communities."

The 澳门新葡京博彩区 includes an eight-county service region expected to grow by 14% between 2023-2033 from 2.7 million to 3 million residents. The 澳门新葡京博彩区 in-district tuition remains competitively priced at $109 per credit hour. The 区 also offers a $180 e-Rate for students taking their classes 100% online. 

Its five colleges and eight education and training centers offer micro-credentials, 证书, 和副, and baccalaureate degrees. The 区 invests in partnering across sectors to provide low-cost pathways to credentials in high-wage, high-demand fields and credits transfer to four-year universities for those pursuing bachelor's or higher degrees. Wraparound support services are also offered to help students succeed. This past year, the 区 completed the successful culmination of a $450 million bond project. 

The 澳门新葡京博彩区 is the largest provider of higher education and training in South Texas, 超过72人,000 students taking credit, 劳动力, and continuing education classes annually.